
Wednesday 9 December 2020

pic n mix card

pic n mix cards 


 "11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,110 " I was winning the game. In math time room one plays pic n mix cards.

Why we do it,  let me tell you why. We play play pick n mix cards to get better at our times tables. I practice at home every night or afternoon ( if I are free.) The person I play with is Eleanor my little sister. She is great at playing she is a year three and I am a year four. I try my best but somehow she mostly wins.The sets of times tables we [play are the 11s, 9s,7s and 6s.

My week


This week started off with me not excited about school.





As you might know wainui beach school had there craft fair only a few weeks ago.As you might not know room 1 made macrame today I will show you how to make a easy macrame.    




1 string that says macrame on the rapper 

2 scissors strong enough to cut thick string

3 Driftwood



1 Get your scissors and cut out about six to sixteen pieces of string.

2 tie the string to the piece of driftwood.

How to tie the the string to the driftwood.

1 fold the string evenly in half.

2 take the loopy part at the to and hang it onto the piece of driftwood 

3 open up the loopy bit and thread through the straight bit.

4 do this with every string.

Then you have finished that step.

Now you have to tie the knot.

How to tie the knot 

1 get two sets of string

2 get the first string and put it on top of the two middle strings

3 put the last string on top of the first string

4 put that string behind again and put it through the L shape.

5 pull it loose and do it backwards.

do that with all the strings.

now you have made a macrame.

If these instructions have not helped you then there is a video above.   

Kapa Haka

Most years wainui beach school does the Kapa Haka festival. We practice every week from the beginning of the year to term 4 when it is time for the festival. Kapa Haka is a time to show NZs maori history. The boys do the Haka and the girls do the poi. We all sing together and sound amazing. The festival takes place at the showgrounds.
 Kapa Haka is one of my favourite events of the year. heaps of our parents and family come to see us sing our songs on stage. This year when I arrived at school a ran off to the hall for them to put on something with ink on it. Then we get a photo of us with black on our chin(which I think is weird.)Then went to get black lipstick on. We were already in our uniforms and ready to on stage and sing.

Ring!ring!, the bell had rung. We ran to our class and put our belongings in a bucket. "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21." the teacher counted our heads to make sure we were all there. I was so excited although I was really nervous. Broom, went the bus. We drove off while we sang our Kapa Haka songs.That made it seem like such a long time. Beep the bus stopped. We went to the grass behind the stage building. we went through our Kapa Haka songs and walked behind stage. The announcer called as on the stage. We sang our first song then our second then our two Haka and our last two song we were finally done. I had done it.kapa haka