
Wednesday 24 November 2021



It was Tuesday, and everyone was ready to go.  We all had our Kapa Haka uniform on.  Kapa Haka is something in the maori culture. Girls get a  dress, and boys get to wear a skirt type thing.  What you do is you just sing songs in maori.  

This year due to covid, we couldn't have the festival, so were videoing it instead.  We walked to the school hall and got in lines, when we were all ready we warmed up and got started. The first song we sang last year but the next one was new, meaning we had never heard it we before we learned it.  

Now it got a bit tricky, we had to switch places with the boys who were at the back so that they could do their haka.  To move we do a haka that girls and boys can both do.  So that's what we did and it looked great.  You might be thinking the the girls just relax while the boys do the haka, but we have lines to.

After we helped the boys with the haka we walked back up to do the last song.  It starts with us all doing a song, but then the boys start to do the haka to the song and the girls sing the song.  This is soooo different to doing it on stage.

Over all I felt proud that I was able to have this experience even thought the festival was canceled.  A few days later, the videos came out and we watched them as a class.  We did so well.        

Monday 22 November 2021

Ilminster green team play

 Ilminster green team play

Today we went to ilminster intermediate to watch there green team play.  It was about looking after the environment properly and picking up rubbish around you.  This event was for the year 5's 6's and a few year 4's.  

We walked around into the building sitting boy girl boy girl when the first character walked out on stage.  It was Nanny Kora she was telling a story to her little grandkids.  When she finished the story, one went away and the other stayed just hoping for another story.  After their Nanny said yes, she listened in closely to here the rest of the story. 

More kids then walked out on the stage with their bikes and scooters dropping their rubbish everywhere Nanny Kora had told these kids many times to stop dropping their rubbish all over the skate park but clearly they didn't want to.  

That night Aliens from planet trash came and did something horrible, they stated to drop thee rubbish onto the earth.  These Aliens were from planet trash and there planet was overflowed with trash because everything was single use only.  When the kids came back the next day they found a robot that the Aliens left behind. The Aliens made everything electric so people could not reuse it.

They asked the robot to call the aliens to talk about not dumping their rubbish on planet earth. The aliens said no and the kids went to nanny Kora.  She asked them to call the aliens again and she would try to convince this time.  They found the robot and asked "Would you mind calling the aliens." He replied."Aliens won't be happy but I will follow orders.  

The Aliens thought that Nanny Kora was there lost queen and did everything that she asked which was to clean up recycle reuse reduce and reprogame there robot that freaked out even hearing the word recycle.

Over all I learned that I should recycle more.  I felt like I need to help the environment more            

Tuesday 2 November 2021

MLH speeches.

MLH speeches.

In MLH we do a speech each year. We have about three weeks to plan, write and practice a 2 minute and 30 seconds to 3 minute long speech. sometime after three weeks we get together and share our speech to the class. One thing that I like to remember when people are sharing a speech is not everyone is comfortable sharing speeches in front of 61 students and 2 teachers. 

This year we are going in groups of ten and there will be a five minute break in between each group of ten. Rooms three and four have already shared there speech to to there class.This year our class is sharing on thursday. Speeches are not my favorite part of the year but they are not optional.