
Wednesday 24 November 2021



It was Tuesday, and everyone was ready to go.  We all had our Kapa Haka uniform on.  Kapa Haka is something in the maori culture. Girls get a  dress, and boys get to wear a skirt type thing.  What you do is you just sing songs in maori.  

This year due to covid, we couldn't have the festival, so were videoing it instead.  We walked to the school hall and got in lines, when we were all ready we warmed up and got started. The first song we sang last year but the next one was new, meaning we had never heard it we before we learned it.  

Now it got a bit tricky, we had to switch places with the boys who were at the back so that they could do their haka.  To move we do a haka that girls and boys can both do.  So that's what we did and it looked great.  You might be thinking the the girls just relax while the boys do the haka, but we have lines to.

After we helped the boys with the haka we walked back up to do the last song.  It starts with us all doing a song, but then the boys start to do the haka to the song and the girls sing the song.  This is soooo different to doing it on stage.

Over all I felt proud that I was able to have this experience even thought the festival was canceled.  A few days later, the videos came out and we watched them as a class.  We did so well.        

Monday 22 November 2021

Ilminster green team play

 Ilminster green team play

Today we went to ilminster intermediate to watch there green team play.  It was about looking after the environment properly and picking up rubbish around you.  This event was for the year 5's 6's and a few year 4's.  

We walked around into the building sitting boy girl boy girl when the first character walked out on stage.  It was Nanny Kora she was telling a story to her little grandkids.  When she finished the story, one went away and the other stayed just hoping for another story.  After their Nanny said yes, she listened in closely to here the rest of the story. 

More kids then walked out on the stage with their bikes and scooters dropping their rubbish everywhere Nanny Kora had told these kids many times to stop dropping their rubbish all over the skate park but clearly they didn't want to.  

That night Aliens from planet trash came and did something horrible, they stated to drop thee rubbish onto the earth.  These Aliens were from planet trash and there planet was overflowed with trash because everything was single use only.  When the kids came back the next day they found a robot that the Aliens left behind. The Aliens made everything electric so people could not reuse it.

They asked the robot to call the aliens to talk about not dumping their rubbish on planet earth. The aliens said no and the kids went to nanny Kora.  She asked them to call the aliens again and she would try to convince this time.  They found the robot and asked "Would you mind calling the aliens." He replied."Aliens won't be happy but I will follow orders.  

The Aliens thought that Nanny Kora was there lost queen and did everything that she asked which was to clean up recycle reuse reduce and reprogame there robot that freaked out even hearing the word recycle.

Over all I learned that I should recycle more.  I felt like I need to help the environment more            

Tuesday 2 November 2021

MLH speeches.

MLH speeches.

In MLH we do a speech each year. We have about three weeks to plan, write and practice a 2 minute and 30 seconds to 3 minute long speech. sometime after three weeks we get together and share our speech to the class. One thing that I like to remember when people are sharing a speech is not everyone is comfortable sharing speeches in front of 61 students and 2 teachers. 

This year we are going in groups of ten and there will be a five minute break in between each group of ten. Rooms three and four have already shared there speech to to there class.This year our class is sharing on thursday. Speeches are not my favorite part of the year but they are not optional.    


Thursday 28 October 2021

Math Number workshop Find a fraction of a whole number

 Math Number Workshop Find a fraction of a whole number!

Today we had number, last week at number we started to learn about a fraction of a whole number. This week we were continuing that.  It may sound complicated, but after a while you really learn every step off by heart.  Finding a fraction of a whole number is like your basic facts put together for you to learn something that will help you in your everyday life. Koka Pip was telling us how she thought that we would save the prove it task  for later and this week we would answer more questions.

The things you need to know to find a fraction of a whole number are, division, times table and reading fractions. The first thing you need to do is write down your question the question i'll do is 3/5 of 50. First you write down the whole number which is 50, then you write 50 divided by 5 equals 10 then you go 10 X 3 equals 30 then you know that the answer is 30.

In this paragraph I will show you the steps completely in words.

1. Write down the whole number

2. divide the whole number by the denominator ( the bottom number/ second number)

3. take that number and times it by the numerator ( the top/ first number.)

Then you have your answer.


Wednesday 29 September 2021

Walking Up The Farm On Scarlys Way

 Walking Up The Farm On Scarlys Way

Yesterday was our Green Gold Reflection, this means people come to see if we won green gold. Green gold is a award that  enviroschools win when they have been keeping up with all there enviro work.  Instead of staying at school, our class was going up to Scarlys Way.  

We lined up on the deck to walk to the farm. I was at the back of the line so sometimes it took a while to understand what the teacher was saying.  I am NOT a outdoor person so really I was not that excited to go up a muddy farm and have to walk there!  We were there, I used my jersey as a seat then we got in a single file line. 

Pretty soon we were at a HUGE tree for brain food.  We had walked so far and I don't get why the teachers want us to do this. They got all the way here and are not even panting!  In 30 more minutes we were half way up and we started to go down hill. When we got ot the bottom we then had to cross a river full of yucky gunk.

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Sentence Starter!

                           Sentence Starters

This is one of my sentence starter - quick writes from this week.

The rain was pouring down. So I turned my face to a frown. I was supposed to go to a friends house and my Mum wouldn't drive me so I gave the rain the crown.  Then I looked up places around the town. There was nothing fun to do around the town so I put my head to the ground.  My sister came in covered in brown so I decided to back down on asking for a friend.  I decided to make a poem full of nouns that turned my frown upside down.  My mum came in with a matching gown but turns out mine was just a dressing gown.  Then dad came in to say the car had broken down and showed us a picture of a red or brown car and took us to the country town.   

Thursday 16 September 2021

Cross Country!!!!


Each year Wainui Beach School does something called cross country.  No, it is not what it sounds like.  We do not run around the country.  What we do is... go down to the sand dunes and do a run around the course. Last year I only had to do one lap and then half a lap but this year I had to do two full laps.  Looks like you know enough about what WBS cross country is for me to go on.

"GO YEAR SIXES!" I shouted. "Year five girls" said Koka Sue. I lined up to start my race. "Take your marks. Get set. GO" said the starter. I started to run. I had a great start off then it got worse.  I really don't care what place I come in school sports because its just a fun activity that the teachers plan to keep us active. 

I was only one quarter through the first lap when I realised that I was getting tired. Even though I was tired I kept on running. Then I realised that there was a hill and that was why people were starting to walk.  I slowed down and started to walk up the hill then when I got to the top I ran across the little hill and ran down as fast as I could.

Completing the first lap and feeling rather tired I needed to carry on to do the second lap!!!!   I thought  - will this ever end?  This time I knew the course so it was a lot faster. I kept thinking how much further? I really don't get why we have to run so far.  It's definitely easier said than done, I thought.  I turned a few more corners then I could see the finish line. YAY!!!!!!!

I crossed the finish line feeling really  of myself. I had done it. No more cross country ...

...till next year!!!!        🏃


Friday 3 September 2021

Lockdown family movie night!

 Lockdown Family Movie Night

This lockdown we have fat in a lot of activities, such as baking and remote learning. But the first week of lockdown we went on search for something to watch at night.  One night we remembered a movie that Dad bought a few weeks ago that everyone had been dying to watch called The Girl Who Believes In Miracles.  It was a awesome movie about a girl and how it was being her.

She had a older brother who had a girlfriend. The three had a lot of fun together. But one thing they loved to do was to go fishing in the lake at there grandfather's house. The first night we didn't get to finish the movie because I have two little brother's and a little sister and mys brothers had to go to bed.

That night I thought weather we were going to watch the rest of the movie and what was going to happen at the middle going to end.  Its lockdown,so Mum and Dad can't go back and say that we have a babysitter.  This meant that since they said we could watch the movie we had to because restrought are close due to lockdown and the babysitter's can't come and babysit us.    

Thursday 26 August 2021



Lately NZ has been in lockdown. In lockdown there is not much to do but school work. 

Lately though, I have been baking and colouring and all the stuff I do in my weekend ( Well, except for going out and about to the supermarket and ice-cream shops.) We are so lucky to live by a beach and because of that we get to go to the beach every single day of lockdown ( Unless its raining.)

The night before it all began we were all watching the news as a family wondering what the prime minister was going to say.  It started off with saying that the case of covid 19 was in Auckland which most people knew then she said a lot before it came to the fact that we were in lockdown.

My sister was so happy because she felt like she needed a break of school.  I had been away on holiday so I needed my time at school.  Two very different things put together. I was still happy because it was only till friday but now it the week after on thursday and we are still in lockdown. We are supposed to be back at school soon but that will be announced tomorrow.

I don't want to stay in lockdown because i'm away from all my friends except for my family, but I do want to stay in lockdown because I will have more time with my family and more time to finish school work without being distracted by a friend.  Either way I will be able to wait or get back to school.           

Friday 30 July 2021

The Olympics

The olympics

I don't know about you, but lately I have been watching the olympics on tv.  I have been loving the hockey and swimming.  Since I am part American, I have been cheering for America as well as New Zealand.  There are many other sports I love to watch but I have manley been watching swimming and hockey. In school we have been doing our inquiry on the olympics and so much other but while the olympics are on, we will work on them.  We have been learning how the olympics were postponed last year and moved to this year but is still called tokyo 2020. Did you know that the US made a world record for the Freestyle relays? If you didn't, its true and if you have the channel you really should start to watch the olympics.  

On Monday, our class was introduced to some olympic activity booklets.  They are full of activities about the olympics and paralympics such as our favourite nz athlete from the olympics and our favourite nz athlete for the paralympics. They also have fact files. Fact files are a page with a whole heap of questions about a topic, in this case the questions were about the olympics. There are way more activities in the booklets and they are meant to last us till week two or three.

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Writing workshop

Writing Workshop

Today, just like any Tuesday, I had a writing workshop.  Whenever I go to a writing workshop I alway think I will learn something,but I never do.  When I leave a writing workshop I think that I will learn something next time, but I never do.  Today we were learning about using different sentence structures for effect. By looking at other peoples faces,I could tell some of them knew that it is putting in commas and finding things that make the sentence a compound sentence. It is also finding a way to make a long sentence to a simple sentence that makes sense,we learned that  some sentences can only be made to a shorter sentence that make sense if you  use  different places in the sentence put together. 

The teacher explained what it was and gave as a worksheet.  The worksheet was titled, 'Your turn'.  I could tell that we were going to find the commas and that stuff by ourselves on this worksheet.  Before the teacher said go I started to work as fast as I could.  I was done before so many people because I didn't listen to the teachers talk about each question.  Again,I left the writing workshop thinking I will learn something next time, so I have just got to wait and see.  

Even though I always know what to do every single time that I come down,it is sort of fun. Bye, thanks for reading my blog.

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Math Number

Math number 

On Wednesday and Thursday,I have Number.  In Moana Learning Hub,we do 2 types of math. One is called Number and the other is Strand.  Today I will be telling you about what I do in number.

 In number you do things like times tables and division but in strand you do thing like telling the time,using calendars and patterns.  Today I finished my reading workshop and got out my math book.  The teacher had a slide up of something we did a couple of weeks ago.  'Koka Rosie,we have already done this in Koka Pips workshop.' We said.  She found something different for us to do and it was one of my favourite skills. Division.  There we 8 questions on the board and I started to answer immediately.  The hardest question on the board was 48 divided by 8 =6. That was not that hard for me because I knew the 6 times 8 =48 so that is how I got my anwer.

I finished all the questions in no time and soon enough we were finding out the answers.  I all along threw the workshop knew my times tables so all along knew my division.  Every question on my paper had a tick on it.  Even though I was not surprised I got them all right I was still pretty proud of myself.  

That is what we do in number workshops,thanks for reading.

Friday 4 June 2021

Action Day

Action Day

It was the 2nd of June when I was late to action day which I was not pleased about.  When I arrived at school for action day, everyone was doing different  stuff. I had no idea what to do because just as I said I was late. I did not think I would miss out on so much action but the people at the beach arrived and I said 'I was late' I joined the beach group and counted the rubbish that the group I chose to join had collected. They got so much rubbish!!!  When we got in from morning tea the teacher said most of us left there mess and disqualified some teams from the competition. Oh did I forget to tell you it was a competition. It was, and the winner got a japanese prize.  I could not win the prize if my team won because I did not collect the rubbish, but I had hoped that the rest of my team would win it instead. 

We started to cleanup our messes. When we were finished ,we went outside to play games and have a game of touch rugby.  A few girls and I played some tag ,our own game of touch rugby and then until lunch we talked about what type of school we want to go to after Wainui Beach. At lunch I had hockey practice. It was good because it seemed so fast.

After lunch we listened to our shared book. After a few chapters of shared book the teacher explained about take 3 for the sea posters that we would do.  We were let off to get started and my one looks amazing. (It only has a background.)

Thursday 27 May 2021

B Grade Gymnastics Festival

 B Grade Gymnastics Festival 

Yesterday  the B grade gymnastics team went to the gymnastics festival.  The day started off normal until my friends came up to me to said "we had to go to the school hall to get our leotards on".  First, we sat down and talked about what cars we were going to travel in to the Gisborne Gymnastics Club and who was doing rhythmic gymnastics.  I was in my Mums car with my sister and some girls  from my class.  We only had girls in the car because the boys did the festival way before us.  When we had gotten dressed we lined up behind the person who drove us to the festival. 

 Finally we had arrived at the GYM Club.  We lined up at different events that we thought  we needed to practice before we performed.  I chose beam and box.  Box is actually the vault but since we are younger it is called box. It was time to line up and get into our rotation  groups that I do not think are necessary because Wainui Beach School was together for the whole festival.  I had done the festival before in C grade but for some reason I was way more nervous this time.  All of a sudden   the teacher said "walk in, your going to start". The man announced our school and we sat down in front of the floor.  I watched and saw everyone else's score get  higher. I got the more nerves .  The person in front of me had faced the judges to say she was finished witch meant it was my turn!  I stood up and started my routine. I could hear my mum cheering which  made me almost muck up.  I had done it! When I sat down I was so eager to see my score. My score was a eight which is a pretty good score if you did not know that.  After seeing my score the other events were pretty easy.  Even though I made a few mistakes I still had a great time.      


Friday 7 May 2021

Code Cracking.

 Code Cracking

This term moana syndicate is trying something called code cracking.  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and thursday after Morning tea, we will go to a different class to learn a whole heap of new sounds.   We will be tested in week five to see if we need to move up a list.  In my group we are learning, long e, short e and the long a. I know all of these sounds but I am learning how to use them to make my sentences better and more interesting. 

My favourite part of code cracking is when we make sentences with the picture dice.  How we do it is we get a dice that has pictures and role it. The picture that it lands on you have to write a sentence about that picture using the sound we are learning.  Another thing I like is when we get creative and make our own sentence with our own subject and our own words.  The teacher tests us on our sounds that we are learning each week but the test in week five will be everything we have learnt. 

After morning tea each day this week I have raced to class so that I will not be late and I never am. Right now I am list 4 but is I pass I will be list five.  I love code cracking and hope we do it every year so that my brothers can do it as well.  If not then the will just miss out but if they do lucky for them.  



Wednesday 10 March 2021

back to school 2021

Back To School 2021

Getting to school

When I started school in 2021 I felt really scared. I didn't  want to start a new year. Most of my friends are in room 3 or room 4. I would have to meet new friends.   

Our pepeha


In week two we walked our pepeha.  The photo below is what it looks like.

Wainui beach school pepeha


What is a pepeha?

  A pepeha is a group of things that you are close to.  That mostly includes the closest mountain,river and mare. It hast to be in the place we live, New Zealand .  My family comes from America but does not really have a pepeha. Now we live in New Zealand and our pepeha is the same as the schools.



The first place we walked to was our stream Hamanatua.  Here are some pictures of the beach by the stream where we played.We had some discovery down by the stream and had a snack.  When we walked back my friends and I talked about the amazing things we did and how much fun we had.





Next we walked up Maungaroa, our mountain.  It was long and made me very tired.  So much pain in your legs, it's just like writing but instead of your hand hurting its your legs. Trust me,you do not want to climb that mountain.(It would be way more fun if the mountain had snow or an escalator) We walked there on the road and walked most of the way back on the beach. What a boring day, kind of.

Te poho o rawiri

In week three we rode the bus to te poho o rawiri, our marae.  I want to make it clear that we did not walk there, we drove on a bus.  We heard many stories about the te poho o rawiri's past. What fun everyone had.


plain old weeks

We had swimming sports, and finally we are  back at school. Doing all the great things.  Things that are way more exciting, like math,reading and writing. Back at school I can relax while doing all the good work that we missed out on. If you do not like school work do not come to Wainui Beach School.

