
Wednesday 23 June 2021

Math Number

Math number 

On Wednesday and Thursday,I have Number.  In Moana Learning Hub,we do 2 types of math. One is called Number and the other is Strand.  Today I will be telling you about what I do in number.

 In number you do things like times tables and division but in strand you do thing like telling the time,using calendars and patterns.  Today I finished my reading workshop and got out my math book.  The teacher had a slide up of something we did a couple of weeks ago.  'Koka Rosie,we have already done this in Koka Pips workshop.' We said.  She found something different for us to do and it was one of my favourite skills. Division.  There we 8 questions on the board and I started to answer immediately.  The hardest question on the board was 48 divided by 8 =6. That was not that hard for me because I knew the 6 times 8 =48 so that is how I got my anwer.

I finished all the questions in no time and soon enough we were finding out the answers.  I all along threw the workshop knew my times tables so all along knew my division.  Every question on my paper had a tick on it.  Even though I was not surprised I got them all right I was still pretty proud of myself.  

That is what we do in number workshops,thanks for reading.

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